In general terms, meta analysis is the statistical procedure for combining data from multiple studies. It is a type of quantitative and formal study used to systematically assess the results of previous research. This is generally a part of medical data analysis and researches.
Meta analysis, conceptually, uses a statistical approach to combine results from multiple studies, in order to increase the power over individual studies. While it improves the estimate size and resolve uncertainty in clinical treatments and reports, it overviews one or more systematic reviews.
When a good data analysis software is used, it doesn’t necessarily have benefits but also some limitations in it. However, most of the researchers have argued that better approach may be used but every approach may have a set of limitations in analysing the data as a good meta analysis may not correct poor design.
While decisions about the validity of a hypothesis cannot be based on the results of a single study, because results typically vary in every study. A mechanism is always needed to synthesis data across the studies and while narrative review is preferred, it is more often impossible when more studies are involved. However, meta analysis fits at different areas in the research process and they are:
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